Monday, May 16, 2016

not Nancy Pelso, i dont like her political lack of doing she supported -223 she ought to have prosecutued.

I dont remember how I was manipulated into the post that was entitled Nancy peloso or it was changed. It seemed as though s^he was the one I wrote about, then saying were we good friends, I don't know her. I think she compromised & let a monster in 2000, 2004 & reign of ter/ror on the world. Before the beginning, which was about my experience of before the beginning & my journey with my twin self 417. Ofcourse she may have been evolving nancy this whole time since, I remember Nancy in Pasadena White Rose parade, I was guided to go & support, then I was guided to go take a picture with All the democrats at that parade, which Nancy was one of them. I was manipulated & miss the picture, I could[not] find everyone. Why -223 mostly told her to keep me from getting my pic with her, most likley -49975 1st step mother was using her.

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